When you’re just starting out as a business, it may seem difficult to employ staff. You may not be able to offer a large wage, the work-life balance may be off, and the employees may want to work for a company that can provide better benefits. But working for a start-up has many positive aspects that businesses need to focus on; it looks great on a CV, and it provides a challenge for experienced employees. If you’re struggling with job recruitment, read our top tips below…
Here at Payroll Worldwide, we are an established Employer of Record (EOR) providing human resources (HR) services in Latin American countries. From implementing effective payroll processes to helping with recruitment, we can assist start-ups and established businesses alike. Start-up businesses need to manage their money effectively in order to thrive, and by choosing an EOR over employing a full-time staff member, you can focus on training your staff and turning your endeavour into a success.
Look for Graduates and Professionals Looking for a Change
Most business owners will look to recent graduates and trainees for their business in order to help with local job creation. Also, graduates are eager to prove themselves, which works out for a business that is just finding its feet. Of course, you should never underpay your staff, but small business owners will know that graduates are incredibly passionate and will provide a great quality of work as they work their way up the ranks.
Professionals who have left their old workplace for a challenge are great for start-up businesses. They have all the knowledge so won’t need to be trained like graduates, and they’re usually excited for a change of pace and experience. With new employees comes new payroll systems, which is where Payroll Worldwide comes in. We can run your payroll services by helping you pay your employees and implementing effective HR strategies to improve your business.
Have a Plan in Place for Remote Work
The pandemic has offered an interesting insight into how businesses are operating. Some companies have realised the benefits of remote working, as it makes their employees more focused and productive as they get more time at home. When putting out job descriptions, it’s worth considering remote work, as it can be quite appealing for prospective employees. You may need your employees in for training and to get the business up and running, so consider allowing one or two days working from home.
Make your Vision Clear
Most businesses find their feet as they’re growing, but this can become confusing for employees, leading to a lower quality of work which can be detrimental for your business. Explain your overall goals for the business in the interview process so you can determine who understands your vision and can deliver. You can see who is committed, and who is less likely to leave early.
You should never sugar coat anything for a potential employee; joining a start-up can be difficult and stressful, especially as the company grows. However, it is incredibly rewarding and looks good to future employers. If you need help managing your payroll and job recruitment strategy whilst training employees, an employer of record is a great option. If you’re a business operating in Latin America, you can find out more about our services here.
Networking is Key
As a start-up, getting the word out there about your business is essential. No one is going to hear you if you don’t make a little bit of noise. Make sure you start locally by following key figures in the area on social media, especially LinkedIn. Also, try and attend networking events in your local area to get your name and services out there. By starting locally, you can branch out nationally as you build your reputation.
Here at Payroll Worldwide, we’re dedicated to helping small and established businesses improve their HR, taking care of job recruitment looking after employees’ personal information and managing their payroll effectively. To find out more, please give us a call on 07469 892524, drop us an email at info@payrollworldwide.com or fill out our online form.